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A Brief Overview of Puff Back and Its Prevention

12/17/2020 (Permalink)

What Is Puff Back?

Puff back occurs as a consequence of improper ignition of a furnace. If the oil burner fails to ignite, the fumes start to build up in the furnace. The fumes can eventually cause explosions inside the burner chamber. This explosion results in vaporization and expelling of soot throughout the place.

If you are among those who know little on puff backs, consider yourself lucky. Puff back not only occurs in oil or gas furnaces, but also in water heating systems. However, it more commonly occurs in furnaces. Services that specialize in Puff Back Cleaning usually assess furnace first and take necessary steps. Aside from soot, puff back also produces strong odors and explosive sounds similar to a combustion engine’s backfire. The vibrations produced due to explosions cause the soot to become loose and spread throughout the property. Soon after, black smoke starts emitting from the vents, and makes your home appear as if it is on fire.

Warning Signs of Puff Back

One of the most effective ways to prevent a puff back is to know the warning signs. You can catch the problem with the furnace or heating system immediately if you know about the potential signs. Service for puff back cleaning suggests looking for specific symptoms that include:

  • One of the telltale signs is oil dripping from the area around the oil supply pipeline. Visible oil drops indicate that a puff back is about to happen. Drips may occur on the connectors or fittings along the pipes. It usually allows the air to enter while the system operates
  • A small bang or puffing sound while starting a furnace or heating system is a sign of possible puff back. It indicates that there is some amount of un burnt oil present, which keeps igniting in the chamber. If you do not address these small puff backs, they may lead to a serious issue later
  • Another indication of potential puff back or oil leakage is the vibration or rumbling sound after closing the furnace or boiler
  • You might notice the presence of soot on furnace room, ceilings or walls, which is an indication that the appliance is not working properly
  • A strange odor may arise from furnace due to non-ventilation of combustion gases. These gases buildup and eventually cause unexpected puff back

 What to Do If Puff Back Happens

The first step when an event of puff back happens is to shut the furnace or heating system immediately. If there is too much smoke, the chance of fire or carbon monoxide, then you had better call emergency service. You need to take some steps after ensuring the safety of your building. These steps include:

  • Take a picture of the event as evidence for an insurance company or emergency service
  • Call a professional puff back cleaning company. They can assess the situation and recommend the necessary steps to make the heating system operational again. They have professional ways to clean the premises of smoke and soot
  • Clean your furniture and other belongings. You might need to have your clothes, curtains and different fabric dry-cleaned. Dispose of any food that you feel contaminated

Preventing Puff Backs

You can prevent puff backs from happening by taking necessary precautions and noticing warning signs. Home or business owners that have oil, gas furnaces or water heaters know the warning signs to notice potential puff backs. If you feel like the system is not working correctly, call your repair service to address the appliance promptly. You can also prevent a puff back by taking few ways in consideration that includes:

  • Notice the warning signs like oil leaks, loud noises on startup or shutting, production of too much soot or strange odors
  • Call repair service if you happen to notice any signs or professional restoration company if the events happen
  • Have your heating service regularly inspected and maintained

Do Not Try to Clean by Yourself

Having a technician fix the problem in the event of puff back is easy; the following cleanup is a tough factor. Puff back cleaning is a challenge that you should not take on your own. Cleaning is not about removing dust and dirt as the soot present is sticky and difficult to remove. It needs a particular method and material, or else it results in corrosion due to reactive chemicals. Soot released due to puff back covers a large area and is something tough to remove. Professional restoration companies use selected chemicals and techniques to remove the soot and odor without compromising the living conditions.

Final Word

Puff back is a nightmare for homeowners that can happen anytime if you do not remain vigilant. Professional puff back cleaning companies are your best solution in such an event as DIY cleaning will do more harm than good. Keep the warning signs in the notice to prevent any potential puff back event or call a repair service for immediate action.

How to Clean Air Ducts – Importance and Benefits

12/17/2020 (Permalink)

Why is Cleaning Air Ducts Necessary?

Cleaning air ducts in your home depends on many factors. When you operate clean air ducts, the ventilation system works better and for longer. There is less dirt emitting out of it, and the air quality improves. However, most homeowners ask about how to clean air ducts due to a lack of expertise or resources to carry out the activity efficiently. The air ducts in your home play a vital role in circulating clean air throughout the house. It takes air from the cooling or heating system and distributes it in each room, providing comfort irrespective of the season.

 A dusty or unclean air duct causes contamination to combine with the air. It compromises air quality and causes potential heal issues like skin or respiratory problems.

The removal of dust and contamination within the duck work is the process called air duct cleaning. It includes air ducts for supply and returns and any diffuses or registers present in the room. Professional duct cleaners use powerful vacuums to whisk the dust and preventing it from circulating throughout the home.

Steps of Cleaning Air Duct Work

  • The first step is to cover all the supply registers with paper towels. Supply registers are openings that supply the room with heated air. Covering the registers helps to keep dislodged dust from drifting while the cleaning process commences
  • Turn the fan on to move the loosen dust after banging and brushing. Turn heating/cooling function off and keep the fan on only
  • Ensure that the old filter in the furnace stays in place. It helps fan motor from pulling the dust that gets loosened
  • Knock the dust and lose it by brushing and tapping on any accessible ducts present in the house
  • Start sweeping the supply registers by keeping the hose of the vacuum near the register. The hose catches any dust that flows during the sweeping process and also clean return registers
  • Turn the fan off and then clean blower compartments, and return air boot. This place gathers most dust, and vacuuming it will clear the passageway for clean air to pass
  • The final step is to replace the filters in your ducts

Instead of asking How to Clean Air Ducts, have expert cleaners handle the activity and clean them with professional methods.

Benefits of Cleaning Duct Work

As a homeowner, you receive numerous benefits by having your air ducts cleaned. We have proposed a few of these benefits as under:

  • It Helps Create a Cleaner Environment

Having your air duct cleaned improves air quality and makes the environment clean. Clean ducts prevent dust from circulating in your living space or settle on furniture. Instead of seeking an answer for how to clean air ducts, have professionals cleaners handle the job. Remember that cleaning air ducts reduces the efforts needed for dusting or interior cleaning drastically.

  • Helps Breathing Easy

Clean air ducts help make breathing easy for everyone, even if no one has breathing problems or allergies. Dust and pollutants can cause anyone to sneeze or cough as well as sinus or bronchial congestion. Professionally cleaned air ducts promote a better environment for good air quality and easy breathing.

  • Reduction in Allergens or Irritations

Air contains contamination and allergens in addition to dust and other microorganisms. It happens due to pet dander, bacteria, pollen, mildew, mold spores ad many different sources. Those who suffer from allergies, asthma, and other similar conditions become vulnerable to these airborne particles. A professionally cleaned air duct prevents these contamination from re-circulating in the air and promotes healthy living.

  • Removes Odors and Un-Pleasant Smells

Clean air duct work help removes unpleasant smells or odors present in homes. Pets, food particles, paint fumes, tobacco, cleaning products, molds, and other sources create odors within the household. Sometimes with an air conditioner or furnaces, these odors circulate throughout your home. Sometimes the accumulation of dust and dirt for a long time also creates murky and dusty smells that flow through ducts. Deeply cleaned air ducts remove all odors and trapped particles, results in fresh-smelling air in the home.

  • Improves Flow of Air

Clean duct work allows air to flow freely without obstructions. Air ducts that have a buildup of dust or debris restrict flow from the furnace or air conditioners. It means that the system has to put in more effort to send the air, resulting in reduced efficiency. A system with clean air ducts works efficiently and gives you a cost-effective performance.

Final Word

Cleaning of air ducts is an important activity that improves air quality and prevents specific health hazards from happening. Cleaning Air ducts is an essential part of keeping your home environment from contaminating. However, the best bet is to have professionals commence the cleaning process. They have the resources and expertise to handle the process professionally.